Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fashion Update

I am a frugal gal if ya didn't know that already,My husband calls me cheap,haha!  I would think that he would love that but he always says "this is a plot to save money!" on most of my ideas. I don't like paying full price for ANYTHING but I love to be cute,fun and flirty with my style.

I recently ran across a Pin on Pinterest (go figure) It was the greatest idea I had seen that day,lol! It was a picture of jeans that said something like update baggy jeans to skinny jeans. Much to my delight ,if I have not already rid my closet of all my larger jeans the only ones that remain are all baggy and too big.

So, I went to this great little blog with 2 gals who share my same thriftiness and saw a posting on how to achieve said "couture" skinny jeans. Lucky Design has a great tutorial on how to do this great update to your pants.

I chose to attempt this little operation on a cute little pair of jeans I purchased for Greenlee that were actually a boys pair I bought for 3$ at a local charity consignment store.

Greens looked like a farming Charlie Chaplin in these little pants, it was sorta cute! But, they needed to be spruced up a bit.

Here are the jeans I used as my pattern for the skinny jeans. These are great little Roxy skinnies I got at the warehouse sale.

So I turned them both inside out following the directions laid one on top of the other, chalk lined,pinned and sewed up the side, trimmed excess and.... Viola!

Cute little skinnies for 3$ yay!! I am a happy mama! Plus now that I have done it with these little guys I will soon be doing them on a pair of my own!

Don't be afraid to try new things... :-)

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