Sunday, December 16, 2012


I spent the evening last night with my babies and my brother and his 2 kids, We had such a great time! My niece and my eldest daughter love to help in the kitchen even if its pouring water from one bowl to another. While on Pinterest yesterday I came across a recipe for "Hot Buttered Fluffy Pretzels"  I'm sorry, but, all of those words sounded amazing and I needed to be a part of them!

I read through the recipe and Joanne, over at Fifteen Spatulas, had this post which also included a great demo! Now, I have made pretzels in culinary school and at home a couple of times but let me tell ya...amazing!!! They had a great texture and they were beyond easy to make not to mention so delicious!!

You can find the recipe here

The girls loved to roll out the dough and shape the pretzels. This recipe is so beyond easy and there is so many different variations that you could do with it. I am dying to get back to play around and add some jalapenos and cheese to some of the next batch. I also didn't have real butter so I used margarine. Real butter would send these babies over the top!

Happy Sunday to you!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Hawaii Marathon Recap!

Well, last week at this time I was in my hotel room in Waikiki contemplating the days events and that tomorrow I would be doing something most people will never do. I decided to share some more of my journey and let you know what goes on in my head when I'm running a race.

Ready to head out top is old navy skirt is a dress from Ross that I cut :-)

Sooooo can't believe I am here to do this!

I've learned what works for me with each race that I do and I love my Merrell's and a loose fitting shirt is best so I'm not messing with it during my race.

It was 4:30. I love how excited I am @4:30, can you say crazy runners?!

Amazing fireworks to start the race @5am

26,000 people ready to all accomplish the same thing has the most powerful rush. Its hard to explain unless you have done it.

Mele Kalikimaka!! Festive downtown for Christmas

Top of Diamond head. The elite runners were on the other side of the street this was about 2 hours into it and their mile 24. my 8ish,haha!

Gorgeous scenery was why I chose this race. I cant say I would do it again since I have done it. who knows, I have learned to never say never!

Mile 15 or so getting tired

These folks were on the other side of the street and at mile 18 when I was starting to have my whiny pity party of one, I looked over and just welled up! I cry a lot during races,ha! Not because of pain just because being such a young runner its still so overwhelming for me!

Mile 26.... .2!!!

I had to walk to the finisher area to get my medal. I have never been so uncomfortable, happy, proud, humbled, grateful, etc.. I can't describe how amazing it feels to have done this.
I think back about my first 5k and really the feeling is about the same. Running is something that has changed me. I heard Oprah quote someone once and she mentioned that "Running is a great metaphor for life. You get back exactly what you put into it!" I COULD NOT agree with that statement more,at all! Was there times I wanted to say(PG VERSION) "Forget this stuff!!" haha! Of course and how many time is my life have I really wanted to just say screw it I don't want to do something or found a way to make it easier. But you know when you accomplish something in life it feels so much better when you know that you gave it everything you had! I could have easily cheated and skipped to the other side of the course and still "finished" but I would have always known I didn't really finish.
I am so grateful for the chance to have run this race and I'm thankful for people who inspire me daily to continue my journey. I'm a runner and no one can take that away from me!