Saturday, August 4, 2012

My "Running" thoughts



1. the fact or power of enduring or bearing pain, hardships, etc. 2. the ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions; stamina: 3. lasting quality; duration 4. something endured, as a hardship; trial.
While I was I was running yesterday I experienced one of those goosebumpy sorta realizations. First off may I start with my husband has been home (yay!!!) in the mornings this last week and have been able to run alone(yay!!)without pushing the stroller. I thought "hey, maybe I will head to the gym!" sooo not fun in so many ways!! I realized even more so why I hate running on the treadmill, I HATE IT! The whole concept and the benefits of running, to me, are meant to be on pavement. The worst part of the treadmill is running and thinking the whole time  asking "am I done yet? how far have I gone now?I feel like I'm done? I need to stop?" literally the WHOLE TIME! Plus, I dropped my phone...again,lol! Back to the pavement yesterday and was so happy to return.
Me getting ready to hit the road!

I woke up around 8am to head out and actually got up and got going I knew I had to before it heated up.  My goal was 7 miles yesterday and I needed to be back in time to go weigh in at WW before lunch time. I started out slow and easy and right away I was lost. Not lost like I didn't know where I was but my mind was lost and I begin to forget I was even running. My mind went here and there and I really do think running is beyond therapeutic for me. My husband is leaving this week for Virginia for over 2! But, I love a challenge..hooah! (#armywife) With him being gone this actually does allow for an amazing chance to run alone and really rev up my marathon training. I am looking forward to adding my mileage and getting stronger. My mind also shot back and forth to the fact that I got to weigh in later on and see exactly how I am doing. I couldn't wait I was really disciplined all week because I know I want this so bad.
As I ran the miles I also started thinking how much my weight loss journey is just like a long training run. I came home and wrote out qualities of each and how they really mirror each other.
looks just about the same to me!

I was at about mile 6ish when this came to me and how I have been running this journey and how much I have accomplished, why its important to me, why I am so glad I chose to start, the list seriously went on and on. I got to a home stretch right before our house and I knew I wanted to just kill it. I thought of why I started loosing weight and running other than becoming a cop I wont lie and tell you that getting to wear cut offs and short skirts with my cowboy boots was not my main motivation, haha. But, I knew that my driving force was I wanted to be healthy and strong and thats really why I started these now huge aspects of my life. Realizing this and running my heart out on that last stretch I totally broke down and lost it, there on the curb, laughing and cryin and suuuuper hot and just soaked it all in. I had finished my run and it felt awesome.

10am rolled around and it was time for my weigh in Greens and I did mama/baby girl date so as she says "I can get scaled" lol, this makes me laugh and some stuff I just don't like to correct her,haha. I had a huge loss and hit a major goal. I felt almost as good as my earlier run knowing that I was moving forward, making progress and that I was almost to the finish line.

I was playing around on etools(ww online tool) and figuring out my new goal and how much I had left to loose. I found it completely amazing what the number was.
marathon distance and final weight loss goal

As my marathon training goes on and my weight loss goal is almost achieved I know a couple things right away. Its going to be HARD. It is going to take time, perseverance, endurance, patience, rest, hard work, planning, optimism, adjustments, vision, support, encouragement, inspiration alllllll of these things and more. I have never gone that far of a distance but then again I have never been at that weight either. :-)



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