Thursday, March 28, 2013

40 Days

So, I took some time away from Facebook. Why? Because I did a spiritual fast. I gave up something and the thing I chose was Facebook.

My church started the 40 day fast and at first I was like yeah sure! Then when I thought about it I realized it could be way harder than I think. My choice to give up FB was something I knew I would definitely miss and would actually be a challenge. A couple of my reasons for being on FB is mainly stemmed from shifts at the hotel where there is nothing going on so FB is how I connect to friends and family I have all over the U.S.

Things that changed in 40 days:

  • I realized how much time other people spend on FB. Ha, my family, my husband, friends, random strangers. Having extra free time its the first thing I see most people do
  • My mother in law actually signed up for FB!
  • I realized how much time I would spend on it pre fast
  • The first days were hard then it got a lot easier
  • I missed connecting with people I don't get to see everyday and seeing what they are doing that day.
  • I will not put the app for FB on my phone again, at least for a little while
I really have worked on being more present and being more real. People have said to me before you have such a charmed life. I do,but its because of my relationship with the Lord. I am extremely blessed. But, I do have crappy days and its not always walking on sunshine. But, my faith allows me to be positive and thankful regardless and even in the moments where its bleccck and gross. Those are the times when the Lord carries me through.

I'm not perfect, my kids are not perfect, my marriage is not perfect. But, no one's life is perfect. Never compare your life or aspects of your life to others. Don't Judge others. Live your life for God not for other people. Be Kind. Surround yourself with like minded people. These are lessons I have learned and I am grateful for that.
