So, here I am a year later from my last post somethings have changed and some things havent. The biggest thing that has changed is that about 20 days from the last post I found out I was pregnant with our little pineapple Penelope.
I now am the mommy of 2 beautiful girls that run my life. I am also still on the quest that is going to fulfill my life personal and career wise. I went to Fullerton college today to petition for Readmission to school because of the failure that was my into to business final,lol. I was about 3 days post par tum with Greenlee and had to report on campus for a final...not so exciting.
I went to campus today with a new sense of confidence and 2 babies, that alone was funny, and turned in my papers and already heard back from school today that I was readmitted. Praise God.
I have completely put this in the Lords hands and I am not going to try to take it back from him. I have started on this path and am already seeing God do a tremendous work in me both physically and spiritually. I have a feeling he is really molding me into what I need to be to take on this next chapter of my life which will be filled with excitement, temptation and some turmoil. Its amazing how God can work in all situations and facets of our lives when we let him be the leader and ruler of it.