Lately my life has panned out in ways I never knew. I never thought I would stand at a point where I questioned all I do, why I do it and how I live my life. Up until now I always had an amazing grasp on life, lets be serious, I grabbed life by the horns and I made it happen. Today, things are not the same, the confidence which I once knew,loved, cherished has know turned to why have done this or that and do I like the outcome and where will these decisions take me. where did this stuff come from?!? I knew that becoming a mom would change my life, my existence my well-being. But that's why I did it, It changed it for the best and I am glad in some respect now that I am challenging myself and I am wanting to know how I got here and where will I go now.
I came to a realization that that same confidence that drove me to success is also the one to blame, Did I work as hard as I could to get there and achieve greatness? Or was it mearly the way it developed bc of my confidence. I want to feel like I really went to hell and back to achieve the success, to strive for something and make it happen.
The question was posed the other day what is it in life that makes me feel fulfilled? Instantly I can think of 2 ,my child and my husband. But those things don't define me they show my strengths in great detail but to me I need that extra edge to me to feel fulfilled.
This year is going to mark a change in my life a change in mindset, priorities and achieving impossible greatness in my eyes and no one Else's.